Introduction to Animation Basics

Animation Basics Introduction
Animation Basics Introduction
Welcome to animation! Did you know animations are a sequence of images creating the illusion of movement? Each image is a 'frame', like a flipbook's pages.
History of Early Animation
History of Early Animation
Animation dates back to 1900s. The first animated film, 'Fantasmagorie' by Émile Cohl, was drawn by hand in 1908. Each second contained 12-24 unique drawings!
Types of Animation
Types of Animation
There are several animation types: traditional, 2D vector-based, 3D, stop motion, and computer generated. Today, we'll focus on simple 2D animations for starters.
Creating Your First Character
Creating Your First Character
Let's create a simple character! Start with basic shapes like circles for heads. Add features with more shapes and lines. Keep it simple and fun!
Storyboarding Your Idea
Storyboarding Your Idea
A storyboard is a comic strip for your animation, outlining each scene. It's a plan for your story's beginning, middle, and end. Draw your storyboard with 4-6 boxes.
Animating Your Character
Animating Your Character
To animate your character, draw it in different positions on separate frames. With 12 frames per second, you can create a smooth walking cycle!
Sharing Your Animation
Sharing Your Animation
Once finished, turn your frames into a digital animation using apps like FlipaClip or Pencil2D. Share your creation with friends and family, and be proud! Mascot
What creates animation's illusion?
Sequence of colors
Sequence of sounds
Sequence of images