Understanding Poinsettias

Understanding Poinsettias
Understanding Poinsettias
Native to Mexico, poinsettias are tropical plants associated with Christmas. They require specific care to maintain their festive display beyond the holiday season.
Ideal Temperature Range
Ideal Temperature Range
Poinsettias thrive in temperatures between 65-70°F. Avoid placing them near drafts or heat sources, which can cause premature leaf drop.
Lighting For Growth
Lighting For Growth
Provide bright, indirect sunlight for at least six hours a day. Too little light can weaken the plant, while direct sunlight may scorch the leaves.
Watering Techniques
Watering Techniques
Water poinsettias when the surface soil feels dry. Overwatering or poor drainage can lead to root rot. Use lukewarm water and allow it to drain completely.
Humidity Matters
Humidity Matters
Maintain humidity around 50-60% for optimal health. Dry air can cause leaf drop. Consider a humidifier or pebble tray with water for added moisture.
Fertilizing Schedule
Fertilizing Schedule
Fertilize poinsettias every two weeks using a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer. Cease fertilization when it begins to bloom, usually in the fall.
Post-Holiday Care
Post-Holiday Care
After the holidays, gradually decrease water until the leaves wither. Prune back hard in spring, and by summer, new growth will give a lush plant ready for the next season.
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Where are poinsettias originally from?
Native to Mediterranean
Native to Mexico
Native to Southeast Asia