Exploring Java's Continuous Evolution and Advanced Features

Java's Evolution Timeline
Java's Evolution Timeline
Java, created in 1995, has evolved significantly. From JDK 1.0 to Java 17, it has improved performance, security, and introduced features like modules, lambda expressions, and a new switch expression.
JVM Under the Hood
JVM Under the Hood
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is the cornerstone for Java's 'write once, run anywhere' philosophy. It abstracts the underlying OS and hardware, enabling Java bytecode to execute on any platform with a compatible JVM.
Garbage Collection Innovations
Garbage Collection Innovations
Java's garbage collection mechanisms have been refined over time. The introduction of G1 (Garbage-First), ZGC (Z Garbage Collector), and Shenandoah GC offers low-pause time garbage collection, enhancing application performance.
Concurrency Control Mastery
Concurrency Control Mastery
Java offers a rich set of concurrency tools. From synchronized blocks to concurrent collections and the fork/join framework, Java allows for efficient multi-threading and resource management in concurrent applications.
Java and Microservices
Java and Microservices
Java is frequently used to build microservices due to frameworks like Spring Boot, which simplifies development with an embedded server, auto-configuration, and a vast ecosystem of extensions for cloud-based apps.
Project Loom: Concurrency Boost
Project Loom: Concurrency Boost
Project Loom is an ongoing effort to introduce lightweight, user-mode threads (fibers) and continuations. This aims to significantly reduce the complexity of writing concurrent applications in Java.
Ahead-of-Time Compilation
Ahead-of-Time Compilation
Java 9 introduced an experimental feature, Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, which can compile Java classes into native code prior to launching the JVM, reducing JVM startup time and improving performance of Java applications.
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When was Java first created?